The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart is another band I hadn't heard of. I kind of wish it had stayed that way. This self-titled, debut album makes Arcade Fire sound creative and energetic. At first, the album just sounded like generic alternative music, pretty whimpy alternative, at that. But it's worse than generic. Not only are all the tracks composed of the same whiny delivery and tired, repetetive guitar and drum lines; the lyrics are totally stereotypical teenage reject poetry. A very few songs sound like a bit of effort may have gone into the words, and provoke a small amount of thought in the listener. The rest are about "I'm a big loser, so you know I won't treat you like that last asshole," or "OMG i had sex--with a real girl!!" Spare me; I've met 12-year-olds who could write a more profound song.
Speaking of 12-year-olds, what moron did the production? Being labelled "indie," I can only assume the band members themselves did; naturally, that means very little in reality. Whoever mixed this piece of garbage must be half-deaf. It sounds like the vocals were recorded in a bathroom (on every track), the bass hammer was wrapped in a sponge, and the lead guitar amp cuts off on lower frequencies (as well as being almost completely drowned out when it's not playing a cheap solo). Maybe this is all part of their style, sounding like it came from 1985 at best. The vocal track is what really bothered me; even if I cared about the lyrics, I can barely hear them half the time.
I couldn't find a whole lot of info on this band; I hope it stays that way. If this is what indie rock is turning into, I'm even less interested than I was before.
Lol this is unlike you what made you want to listen?
I think what drew me to it was the name; it sounded so blatantly emo that I had to see how bad it was. Turns out it's not quite emo, but still bad.
Also, indie bands aren't inherently bad. They're often influenced by new wave and post-punk such as New Order or The Cure, which I do like. It's a touchy genre, though. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I like some bands and hate others that are very similar, for some reason. E.g.: I dig Franz Ferdinand, but not Modest Mouse.
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